Wednesday, March 16, 2011

New Hotwheels Yellow and Orange

Was in the office when i got a call from a friend, new restock it seem so waiting till i finish work and drove over. Wat i saw shock me to my spines... peg fulls of Yellow and Orange... same location as my previous post...those looking for yellow and orange previously but can't find, can do so now. Good luck.
pics below.. click to see larger pic

After browsing for some time, only bought these..

Not bad, not bad. :)


  1. wah despite all the yellows and orange still can find green..ur eyes are good! :P

  2. LOL... me think the stacker also blurr seeing yellow and orange till misses the greeny.

  3. no mini n BTTF meh? anyway congrats bro on ur green nyummy :D

  4. Kown - Hi kown, i think this wave do not have the BTTF or the Mini in them. Thanks

  5. acam2812 - Hi acam2812, this is in car4 MV.
